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How The Media Affects Women's Body Images


             sometimes too much. .
             Anorexia nervosa is characterized by not taking in enough nutrients that are.
             required for that person(Harrison). People who are diagnosed with this disorder.
             have an extreme fear of being fat. This disease occurs more so in adolescent girls. .
             It is a fact that one out of ten girls in the U.S. will develop anorexia nervosa. Some.
             of the dangers of this disease include loss of menstrual period, hair loss, fainting.
             spells, depression, weaknesss, exhaustion, constipation, heart tremors, dry skin, and.
             shortness of breath(Sloan).
             Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder where the person eats an abundant.
             amount of food over a short period of time followed by vomiting(Harrison). Up to.
             20% of college women in the U.S. are bulimic. Some dangers that bulimic face are.
             depression, mood swings, feeling out of control, swollen glands in neck and face,.
             heartburn, bloating, irregular periods, dental problems, constipation, indigestion,.
             sore throat, vomiting up of blood, weakness, exhaustion and bloodshot eyes(Sloan).
             Eating disorders have been on the rise over the past 30 years(Harrison). .
             Everybody is concerned with their weight at some point in time. A lot of us have.
             feelings of jealously after looking at a swim suit catalog, but their is a line that.
             people cross when it becomes obsession(Van Vleet). Eating disorders are a.
             predominately a female problem; ten to one odds(Harrison). Many women are.
             vulnerable to eating disorders because of their flawed perception of themselves,.
             rather then recognizing reality. Although cigarette smoking has its own health.
             risks, it is becoming a move made by women to control their weight(Garner). .
             Eating disorders can simply begin with a harmless diet. You see a person on the ad.
             with a tiny waist and rock hard abs and then look in the mirror and realize that this.
             is not what you look like. So you begin to eat less and less and take more and more.
             of the supplements. Now, you are hooked(Van Vleet).

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