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Hitler also realized the need to avoid an armed conflict with the army. In fact, he believed his only chance to be successful was to keep the army out of the equation. This realization led Hitler to search for a "legal" method of conquering the German state. Accordingly, Hitler set out to use the democratic system against the reigning Weimar Republic. .
             The "path of legality" became the new platform for the Nazi party. The basic premise of rallying a mass political movement from within the democratic system was initiated in order to gain the popular vote of the German people. The idea was ingenious, but most believed implausible for the Nazi's. Although not all of the methods employed by the Nazi's were legal, many of the newly developed tactics of Hitler's were legal and quite effective. However, despite using the democratic system to gain control, Hitler intended to dismantle the entire system once the Nazi's controlled the government, thereby, obviating anyone attempting to repeat their feat. .
             Hitler began his crusade by persuading the Bavarian state to remove the ban against the Nazi party. This was accomplished in February 1925 upon assurance from Hitler that the party would remain within the legal bounds of the republic system. Accordingly, Hitler the politician arose from within a party that had all but crumbled during his absence to once again lead the Nazi campaign for control of Germany. .
             This time Hitler would not allow his central authority to be undermined by alliances that required consulting with other leaders. He had been betrayed by his allies during the Beer Hall Putsch. Therefore, Adolf learned to avoid aligning himself with any other institutions which would not afford him complete control. Hitler wanted and maintained central authority and control over the party. Therefore, all party associations were outlawed without Hitler's personal consent. The entire Nazi organization would be centered on Hitler's political agenda and his new organizational structure.

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