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Has Anyone Seen The Average Family?


137). The cumulative effect of this change on the family has been profound and influenced many long term changes.
             Changing technology, economics and values have all impacted on the change of the family unit. Modern technology has enabled Australian women to achieve a balance between domestic duties and paid work (Sarantakos 1996, p. 141). An increase in the type of labour saving devices and an adjustment in the role of male partners to become more egalitarian has provided women with more freedom from the patriarchal subordination of household duties. Sarantakos (1998, p. 4) suggests that the contraceptive revolution of the 1970's enabled women the control over how many children they have and when they have them. Consequently, there has been a significant increase in the age in which women marry and have children and if they marry at all, giving women more time outside the home and the opportunity to pursue higher education and qualifications (Sargent, Nilan & Winter 1997, p. 108). .
             Economics has had a strong impact on the fate of the family. Large families were once considered an economic asset to their parents but are now viewed as a cost and having more than two (2) children an economic liability (Gunstone, Matthews, Roy & Watson 1996, p. 80). Industrialisation has increased the cost of living and the decreased economic value of wages insufficient to support a large family (Sarantakos 1996, p. 140). The distribution of wealth and income gives considerable concern to the economic inequalities in Australia (Bessant & Watts 1999, p. 298). The increase in a desire for higher living standards often requires the additional income of the women to meet the economic needs of the family (Sarantakos 1996, p. 170). This is supported by Aspin (1987, p. 134 by adding that "the changes in attitudes to work, the availability of childcare centers, financial necessity and place of living" are all interrelated factors for the increase in paid workforce participation of !.

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