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Gun Control


The Brady bill stated that there would be a mandatory waiting period for the sales of all firearms. However, to the disappointment of the gun-control activist, the new Bill did absolutely nothing to lower the violence associated with guns. In fact, crimes involving violence with guns increased since the Brady Bill was passed in 1993. Approximately sixty-percent of all murder victims in the United states in 1989 (about twelve thousand) were killed with firearms, as compared to fifteen thousand four hundred and fifty six people killed with firearms in 1994 (http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~zj5j-gttl/guns.htm). Fifty three percent of people believe that the best way to significantly reduce gun violence would be simply to enforce the laws that are already in place. While forty percent of people believe that the laws that are in effect now do not work, and new laws need to be made http://abcnews.go.com). .
             Yet, who favors stricter gun control? In a recent survey by ABC News, it states that fifty one percent of men are in favor as opposed to seventy six percent of woman. As expected, the conservatives fell well below the conservatives with only forty six percent of conservatives favoring stricter gun laws, and seventy seven percent of liberals favoring the issue. Also, the major parties were included in this survey. Eighty one percent of Democrats favored the issue while only forty four percent of republicans favored the issue. .
             The views of the N.R.A. differ exceedingly from that of gun control activist. The N.R.A. is one of the largest interest groups in the United States. The N.R.A. basically stands for one issue, that is the second amendment, commonly referred to as "the right to bear arms".

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