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Greek and Roman


             metaphysics and then would attempt to seek out the true answers to his questions. .
             These Greek philosophers, as well as countless others, were looked upon as the.
             most knowledgable and treated as guardians of the city. People envied their ways.
             of thinking and the answers they were able to find and spread to everyone around.
             The Athenians enjoyed their arts as much as their philosophies of life. .
             They made many sculptures, mostly of men and women, that showed precise detail.
             that captured the beauty of one's body. They would carefully mold the hair, eyes,.
             muscles tone, and every other crease and bump on a human body, always.
             maintaing a godly like physique. The Greeks also enjoyed creating pottery. They.
             were used mainly for jars, jugs, storage, cups, and bowls. They used colors of.
             black and brown and created mythological scenes of literature, sports, as well as.
             everyday life. Their art expressed their lives and beliefs by showing different.
             weapons, wars, and body language. Their art has maintained its beauty and.
             importance throughtout the centuries and still are talked about and studied by.
             today's scientists and archeologists.
             On the other hand, the Romans were a group of people that created many.
             different and amazing structures. One of their great accomplishments was the.
             construction of the first channel of roadways. It led up to fifty thoushand miles of.
             roads that could now be traveled without problem. The largest and most historical.
             road that still exists today was called the Appean Way. This was used mainly for.
             trading goods. It provided an easier trip and allowed the Romans to easily find.
             their destination without getting lost. It also carries the memory of the historical.
             moment when six thousand slaves were sacrificed to end the revolting of slaves.
             against their Roman masters. These roads were not only great accomplishments.
             led to the expansion of their empire. .
             Not only did the Romans produce an elaborate system of roads, but they.

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