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In the movie, the mafia buys a small restaurant, and makes a lot of money off of it. They are placing orders, and when the truck comes with the goods, they steal the truck. They would also order things, and then get them, but never pay a dime for them. Then they can sell everything out the back of the store for half price, but they don't care, because it is all profit to them. This wasn't uncommon in this time period. Stealing truckloads of products was one of the main ways that money was made. One of the main parts of controlling small businesses was making sure you never had to pay any bills. When the restaurant barrowed every last dime, they burnt the place down. They would set the place on fire, and then they didn't have to pay for anything, and they actually got money from the insurance company. This is what is considered to be insurance fraud. As you can see, the mafia got away with a lot of little things, but they all lead to lots of money being made for doing illegal things.
             There is one part of the movie where they are stealing trucks from the airport. They have connections there, because they paid one of the police officers would give them tips of when a good load was coming in. They would pay him for these tips, and he wouldn't try to do anything to stop it. This is an example of corruption. Corruption took place a lot in this time period. This is how the mafia got away with so much, the police never wanted to catch them, because they were all making more money by not catching them, then they would if they did catch them.
             There is one part in this movie, where there was a failed robbery. Henry and Jimmy were pinched (arrested) on federal charges and given ten years in a federal prison. When Henry went to prison he stated paying off the guard's to look the other way so he could sell narcotics to other inmates. Henry did not live with the prison population; he lived in a private cell with other mafia figures in prison on different charges.

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