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God Bless the USA


            You know, this past week, a couple of people who saw my website had some questions for me. They said that the new main graphic was nice, but that I should take it down because "it was over." WHAT! OVER! I guess some people in my generation just don't see the magnitude of what happened on Sept. 11, 2001. TV reporters have compared it to Pearl Harbor. The fact is that this attack was much worse than Pearl Harbor. In Pearl Harbor, the Japanese, using warplanes, attacked a military base. The attack on Sept. 11 was an attack on CIVILIANS with OUR AIRCRAFT! The planning and resources that it must have taken to execute the attack are mind boggling. Every detail had to go as planned, and it did for the most part. A few brave souls fought back against the hijackers in a plane that I believe was heading for the white house. .
             Now that I have made my point that this is much worse than Pearl Harbor, it's on to another point. After Pearl Harbor, thousands of young Americans enlisted in the military. Today? Today, all I hear is people talking about moving to Canada. This is not everyone, but a great deal of people really feel this way. This is the attitude that gets us branded as a generation of jack-offs. It really ticks me off. This country is the greatest in the world, and the lack of pride that we show is preposterous. If a draft were held, I would be proud to fight and die for this country if need be. Freedom does not come at a small cost, and it is high time that we understand that. .
             I am not sitting here writing this piece to cause a stir. I am writing this so that YOU will take action. I can see you right now saying "but Matt, oh wise ruler of all, (ok, maybe not) what can I do to help? The fact is that one person can and does make a difference. What do you do? Ok. First thing to do is give blood. Not in a little while, right now! I gave blood each day for 3 days after the attack, and believe me, it felt good after.

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