overpopulation - where too many people live in an area for the resources available, resulting in a low standard of living.
accessibility - how easy it is to get to a settlement.
central businessdistrict (CBD) - the centre of a city which usually has departmental stores, offices, main bus and railway stations and entertainments.
commuter village - a village next to a city; many people travel, or commute, from the village to work in the city.
conurbation - a very large built up area formed when towns and cities join together.
dispersed - a scattered pattern of settlements.
function - the main purpose of a settlement, e.g. port, market.
town or route centre.
high order services - services that are rarely used by most people and are only found in the larger towns and cities e.g. major football stadium, international airport.
land use zones - are the areas of housing, industry and commerce (shops, offices etc.)in a town.
industrial estate - an area of modem factories.
Infrastructure - the framework of roads, railways, power supplies.
land use zones - areas in a town with the same kind of land use.
linear settlement - settlement with a long, narrow shape.
low order services - those used frequently by most people, found in villages as well as towns e.g. post office, general shop.
nucleated - a settlement with the buildings clustered together.
residential area - housing area.
site - the land on which a settlement is built.
situation - the position of a settlement in relation to other settlements.
sphere of Influence - the area around a settlement within which people use that settlement for their services.
urban areas - towns and cities.
urban model - a diagram showing a simplified pattern of land use in a town or city.
commuter - someone who travels to work.
congestion - too much traffic on roads.
derelict land - disused land.
dormitory settlement - a settlement near a larger town in which most people have jobs in the larger town.
green belt - an area of protected countryside around towns and.