The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, which explored everyday errors in speech, which he believed, were of in 1896, Sigmund Freud applies the term "psychoanalysis" for the first time and he started with his self-analysis. In 1901 Sigmund Freud starts analysing 18-year old Dora and in 1902 is appointed professor at the University of Vienna and the foundation of the "Psychological Wednesday Society". Freud never saw her again after that but in 1905, he published "Fragment of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria," better known as the case of Dora. Dora was not actually a hysterical patient. During 1926 on the occasion of his 70th birthday Sigmund Freud was loaded with honors for his work. .
Sigmund Freud exchanges letters with Albert Einstein on the question "Why War?". In 1935 Sigmund Freud is appointed Honorary Member of the British Royal Society of Medicine, and later dies on September 23,1939. Sigmund Freud's revolutionary ideas have set the standard for modern psychoanalysis in which students of psychology can learn from his ideas spread from the field of medicine to daily living. His studies in areas such as unconsciousness, dreams, sexuality, the Oedipus complex, and sexual maladjustment's laid the foundation for future studies. In result, better understanding of the small things, which shape our lives.
He was the first to talk about psychoanalysis, a technique that allows an individual to recount dreams by what psychologists call free association. Free association is the individual saying whatever comes to mind when something is said. The definition of psychoanalysis can best be defined as "emphasizing the roles of unconscious mental forces and conflicts in determining behavior." The main branch of psychology is "normal thinking" of the mind. Freud thought that many of our problems lived inside of our unconsciousness and that we where not aware of this. In Freud's psychoanalysis, he believed that all humans were born with instincts, which drives a person to act the way in which they do.