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Fredrick Douglas


To over come such mental disposition the slaves would sing or write poetry on the outputs on what exactly is going on around them. Such songs either soothed a person's heart, saying that they are almost free, or being dreadful stating that their child was just kidnapped. Either way the songs would unit each of the slaves as a whole and force them to become one to make things become easier with each slave souls, instead harder with just one soul of your own. .
             Physically abuse was larger issue then mental abuse, it was easier for the owner of the slave to beat them then to set an example for the other slaves. Physically abuse happen all the time in the work place, from beatings to rape. You could look at your owner in a fashion that he didn't like and you would have received a beating. The owners took control of this power and used it for their behalf not on there's. They treated the slaves like animals and not humans; they even bred the slaves to produce more. This was a business to the owners, and god only knew how far they would take it to earn that extra buck. "Mr. Covey was a poor man; he was commencing in life; he was only able to buy one salve; and, shocking as in the fact, he bought her, as he said for a breeder (Douglas 37)". .
             Another aspect was food depravation; it was like the old saying "Only the strong survive". The children had to fight for the food and only the biggest and strongest would get a place in the trough and be happy of what they got, but most received nothing or little at all. " He who ate the fastest got the most; he that was strongest secured the best place; and few left the trough satisfied (Douglas 16)". Having no food left the slaves physically unable to do the work they were assigned, killing them in the process. While this was going on the only thing the slaves had to fight back was either their own wit or their physical power. For food, to try to trick the owners in believing that the pigs were sick they bashed them on the side of the head so the would wobble around.

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