Despite the desire and the ability to buy something, the choice and the offer are not attracting them to do anything more than to observe and enjoy the surrounding. The domestic people do not pay much attention to shopping and therefore, big shopping centers are not developed here. When visitors come to Dubrovnik, they adopt the local attitude toward spending. The conclusion comes from the number and size of shops (extremely small) with a small variety of items which are not properly presented and the salespeople are not interested in interacting nor encouraging people to spend.
• Behavior on the bus station.
The only public transportation, except for the cabs, are buses. Bus schedule, although accurate, is not adapted to the large number of tourists. In general, the culture in Dubrovnik does not have the practice of standing in lines for entering the bus. Therefore, visitors are often faced with crowd pushing each other in order to get on the bus. It takes them a while to accept that way of behavior. Their first attempt to enter the bus usually has negative results - they miss the bus. Even though they are stunt by the behavior of locals in the first place after a while they realize that the only way to enter the bus is to accept that way of conduct. In the end they push together with people of Dubrovnik and finally reach their destination.
• Garbage Disposal.
When entering the Disney area visitors can immediately notice impeccable cleanliness. That kind of surrounding, no matter of your background, will never allow you to leave any kind of garbage behind you. .
Disney is worldwide recognized for its environmental attitude and policy. In a crowd, people know they will not be noticed so they leave trash wherever they can but the attitude of the employees who pick up the trash after them will make them think twice and consider looking for a trashcan.
So the general approach of tourists visiting Disney is to protect the environment and keep it clean, which even makes them feel good.