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The police have been routed, the mob is in the streets and we're close to a reign of terror." If someone that reads that periodical everyday then that strong statement that the editor made will be implanted in their minds.
             Abbie Hoffman's involvement in the media started at an early age. Abbie Hoffman was arguably one of the most well known "American Rebels". His active participation in countless demonstrations against the United States government and other issues has been documented throughout the past 40 years. He first started listening to the radio as a young kid and loved it. This was the catalyst in his yearning to always be heard nationwide. In late 1960 Hoffman attended at Clark University called Operation Abolition. It was a documentary produced by right-wing filmmakers with the assistance of the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) and the FBI in order to show how a handful of disciplined communists had supposedly "duped" thousands of innocent students into protesting the San Francisco HUAC hearings and had then deliberately incited them to riot. These demonstrations were actually part of a communist plan to destroy the HUAC and weaken the American Democracy. "In th!.
             e discussion period after the film Abbie rose to point out the film's distortions. His assertion that he had been at the hearings touched off a shouting match between conservative students calling him "pinko" and liberal students demanding "Let him speak!" It was the first time Abbie had ever spoken publicly about politics. He was proud of how he handled himself, and he liked the excitement his speaking caused." (Jezer 43) He was then hired to go around the country and speak about the film. This movie showed how the right side of the government was thinking. .
             During the cold war the Cuban missile crisis was one of the most important events happening in the news at that time. Many things were going on in the media throughout this time that were affecting the nation.

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