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Elizabethan Social Structure


             what they could wear. "Sumptuary laws set fines for people who wore clothing above .
             their station. They were usually ineffective because they added the additional status of .
             having been able to pay the sumptuary tax on the inquestion" (1). The wealthy middle .
             class acted as if they were nobles, which they intended to do so they might have a .
             chance to raise their social standing.
             The nobles were high status knights, earls, coutness, etc., who comprised the .
             "highest class". Often in attendance of the queen the nobles clothing reflected their .
             wealth and their respect for the Queen (1). "Clothing at that time approximately the .
             same value that cars do today for reflecting social and financial status" (1). Noblemen .
             might actually cover their clothing in jewelry that might be equivalent to hundreds and .
             eve thousands of dollars. The highest person in the land, next to god, was the Queen .
             herself. She gave herself beyond human looks simply for propaganda. At this time with .
             Queen being single, the most handsome gentlemen that caught the Queen's eye .
             became very important to the queen. "All of these factors led to one of the most clothes .
             conscious cultures ever. To a costume, few periods offer the range of challenges that .
             this one does" (1).
             Another important factor of living was the entertainment that the people had. .
             "Leisure was an important part of the lives of the English people during the Elizabethan .
             age. Most of the leisure came either after church on sundays or on the Holidays" (Kareti .
             1). The wealthy hired musicians to play music during dinner. In the Elizabethan age, .
             drama was at the pinnacle of its cultural achievement for all time. New styles of .
             entertainment were being created faster than the society realized. Before they knew it, .
             they were the first to witness the entertainment industry, especially in theater. Sports .
             were a big part of this time period. Indoor games such as chess, checkers, dice, and a .

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