Understanding what is exactly an Eating Disorder is and what you can do to prevent it, and how can you help others overcome an Eating Disorder.
The focus on Eating Disorders out number the people trying to help the people with Eating Disorders. In order to be successful you have to be able to fix the problem with Eating Disorders and help the people who have already started the problem.
Eating Disorders have always been known to plague models or people who need to be thin because of their careers like; dancers, models, actors, flight attendants, jockeys, gymnasts and professional runners. That's not true any more, researchers have proved that, "Eating Disorders can be started by anyone because of being upset with themselves or angry with themselves,"" (Levenkron, 1982).
For you to have some knowledge about Eating Disorders this paper was designed for you to find out exactly why and how one would take up such a devastating disease, that can eventually take someone's life because of their need to be skinny.
Problem Statement.
Eating Disorders target the young, the middle aged, and the old. Approximately eight million American teenagers and adults have symptoms of this life threatening disease. Eating Disorders are common among models, and many other professions because their weight is seen as the focus of their job. Though they can be found in others just because they are angry or not happy with themselves. The problem with Eating Disorders is that it is killing people, and even if they find help, the odds of going back to the disorder is likely by seventy-five percent, still no one takes it that they should get help they need before it is too late for them.
Purpose of the study, which includes research questions.
My exact purpose of this study was to know hands on exactly what an Eating Disorder is and how to treat the Eating Disorder. My study of Eating Disorder was also self-intentional study to find out what exactly killed my best friend and why she had to do it, why she felt the need to be extremely skinny.