world today. This is obvious by the amount and frequency of drinking by under-aged students. .
At the age of 18, one has almost all the rights of an adult, except the right to drink. The country sees an 18-year-old as mature enough to.
handle adult choices, responsibility, and privileges. Most 18-year-olds are allowed to help decide the fate of the country through their right.
to vote. They are allowed to gamble, go to a strip club and to have no city-enforced curfew. They are old enough to die for their country if.
the United States were to go to war. If they commit a crime they are tried as an adult and if convicted of a serious crime can be given the.
death penalty. It is legal for them to buy cigarettes. Yet, they are not adult enough to choose whether or not to have an alcoholic beverage. .
The key to preventing alcohol abuse is education and parenting. Drinking should be a moral choice rather than dictated by the.
government. Parents need to teach their children at a young age that drinking is not bad if done in moderation and continue to emphasize.
this value well into their college life. .
I am 18 years old. I can vote, I can be sent to war, I can die for my country, but I can't buy beer. I ought to be outraged. But I'm not. .
In the past two weeks I have been exposed to a lot of new things: college academics, sports, peers and alcohol abuse. To quote Sesame Street, "One.
of these things is not like the other," and we all know which one I'm talking about. In addition to witnessing intoxication firsthand, I have heard more.
than one drunk minor mumble, "The legal drinking age should be 18." .
After Prohibition, almost all the states set the legal drinking age (LDA) at 21. In 1970, when the legal voting age was lowered, 29 states followed by.
lowering the LDA to 18, 19 or 20. In over 70 studies since the change happened, it has been proven that motor vehicle crashes and alcohol related.