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            Dreams have been objects of boundless fascination and mystery for humankind since the beginning of time. These nocturnal vivid images seem to arise from some source other than our ordinary conscious mind. A dream is a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep. Can dreams unlock mysteries found deep with one's unconsciousness or are they purely just random events of coincidence? Through observing and evaluating three of my own dreams, I have found these dreams as places where I am provided with comfort and situations that satisfy some of my deepest ambitions and fulfill my wishes.
             The first dream I evaluated was a dream I had in the sixth grade, about a date that I was on. In the dream, I was on a date at the movie theaters, with a girl that I secretly liked. I kissed her, fulfilling a wish as a child that I never would have imagined. Freud agrees that dreams can be wish fulfilling, especially in children. He goes into more detail on the third paragraph of page 313, saying that children's dreams raise no problems for solution, but are of inestimable importance in proving that dreams represent fulfillment of wishes. This dream was my unconscious acting on my crush, toward the girl that I would not engage with, in my conscious state of mind. My dream was able to fulfill a wish of interacting with this girl because it was just a wish and not real life. Jung would agree as he has said that the unconscious tendencies have a goal beyond the human person, as that the unconscious can do nothing but wish. (Jung page 324).
             The second dream I observed was me at school, receiving back a perfect score on a history exam. The reality was that I had a test to study for and I fell asleep that night, without studying for it. My unconscious mind was concentrated on my fear of being unprepared for the test. The dream fulfilled a wish of doing well on the test. When I woke up that mourning I studied for the test as a result of my dream.

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