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            It is pointless to debate the appropriateness of divorce in general.
             married people one knows who have been divorced for years, and everyone realizes it but the.
             couple in question. One need only consider the walking wounded who are enduring marriages.
             without sex, love or kindness. We need divorce to save our lives, and that is really what is at.
             issue here: the responsibility each of us has to save our life in the face of the real and too-often.
             realized threat of living without love, sex or kindness.
             Some of us will divorce. Of those who do, some will do it well, some badly. Beyond this,.
             nothing more can be said. It is pointless and uninteresting to discuss divorce, true on the general.
             level, but especially on the personal.
             Divorce is a period of such violence that one tells oneself an endless series of self-preserving lies.
             then forgets they were lies then survives by finally forgetting the whole of it and getting on with.
             life. And that final phrase, that's the point, and just what the most of us who have been through.
             divorce want to tell our friends who are going through it, but of course they won't listen. This in.
             turn finally amounts to the biggest reason as to why it is pointless to discuss divorce. .
             Divorce is a time of withdrawal and the necessary solitude is best fortified with the illusion of.
             uniqueness. It is a rite of passage and in our tribe these are best experienced in the desert and.
             alone, like a vision quest. The teachings of divorce must be seared at soul's level. Because of.
             this, it turns out that even the coward's way out, even letting it fall off while the coward.
             squeamishly averts his eyes, is not an option. Even then, the wound remains open and one way.
             or another, we must muster what it takes to alone and without anesthetic, pick up the red-hot.
             iron and sear the thing closed. Otherwise we will go on bleeding through it and all over all of our.
             friends all of the rest of our lives.
             effects on middle class children.

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