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Death and Dying


That is another story for another day. .
             Observations and Reflections: .
             Although there are memories that I could reflect upon that are too numerous to mention, the last cycle of life is one that we will share with a friend, loved one, or experience personally at some point in our life. Death is the number one life-changing event (T.S. Holmes and T.H. Holmes 1970), which we will experience. The final year of the last stage of the life cycle for my grandfather began in the spring of 1999. My grandfather complained quite a bit about the many body ailments that he claimed to have experienced. There were times when I thought he was a hypochondriac. My grandfather and I became very close during his final year of existence. We belonged to the same church, and most of the time, he would accompany me to church. This was perhaps safer for him and for every unsuspecting driver that he met on the highway. The first time I concluded that something was wrong with my grandfather happened to be at church one Sunday. Upon attempting to stand up, he s!.
             tumbled and almost fell to the floor. He would have fallen if it were not for the assistance of one of the deacons. .
             As we were driving home, I asked my grandfather if he was okay. That is when he told me that he had been diagnosed with cancer. The proper words would not come so that I could tell him everything would be all right. He told me that he was to visit his doctor at the beginning of the week to have additional tests run, so he would know just how bad his situation really was. My grandfather was 84 years old at the time, and I knew that the chances of his surviving this ailment would not be very high. .
             The news we were all anticipating but very much dreading became reality. My grandfather had been given up to one year to live. This was very depressing news, and it took faith, love, and prayer in order to get through this difficult time.

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