Thirdly, he believed that the primary mechanism for evolution was a process called natural selection. That means that certain species are selected by nature to survive in specific environments because they have characteristics that they adapt to their surroundings (natural selection). Lastly, he believed that all species alive today arose from a single original life form through a branching process called "specialization." He believes, with his theory of evolutionary selection, that the variation between species occurs randomly and that the survival/extinction of each organism is determined by that organism's ability to adapt to its environment. During his research, he saw that the early prenatal periods of many different species were similar, which brought the idea of common ancestors. He was proven wrong later on but he was known as the forefather of the study of child development with his charting of the similarities between child growth and human evolution. He published a book called "The Origin of Species", where he talked about his theories in detail. He definitely did not get support from a lot of people. Many people felt very strong against it because it conflicted with their religious beliefs. .
Charles Darwin not only published "The Origin of Species" but he also published many other great books. For example in, "The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, "Darwin acknowledges the classics of psychology. This very book has been read by many but understood by very few due to the confusion of the material. From all of Darwin's published works it is sensibly clear to see that he was sincerely interested in psychology. Many documents introduce that Darwin's ideas about psychology connect to traditional philosophy. Still, he concerned himself with the sources of information and of the principles of individuals.
Darwin was the first examiner to recreate the evolutionary past of behavior using current relative methods.