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This newly created magazine will be completely funded by AOL TimeWarner and only advertise businesses who fall under the AOL TimeWarner family. Other outside businesses are welcomed to advertise in Almost Famous, however they will be subject to a bidding process for space as advertising space will be limited. Bidding will begin at the market average for advertising. Remember, I have enough money to cover short comings if they arise at first. My focus is to create a highly respected magazine that appeals to readers of all ages and content will be the focus over advertising.
             Although I may not want a lot of advertising in the magazine, there will be a lot of advertising of the magazine. AOL TimeWarner covers every aspect of media (radio, cable, print, internet, movies, music, other magazines, etc ), thus I plan to do advertising through these departments. The premiere issue will debut in February of 2002; this will allow advertising throughout the holiday season when every American is out in the buyers market. Advertising will continue throughout the super bowl, the most watched show of the year.
             The newsstand price will be reasonable at $3.50 an issue. At this price, most Americans should be able to afford an issue as it will be one of the less expensive magazines on the market. The newsstand price for a one year subscription would be $42.00. A subscription by mail would be at a 50% discounted rate of $21.00 for one year. First time AOL users could get the magazine at an ever further discounted rate of $10.50 a year for as long as they keep an AOL account. Regular AOL customers would receive the magazine and their internet service all for 24.95 a month (current AOL fees are $23.90 a month, making the magazine only $1.05 a month).
             Almost Famous is a monthly magazine. The size of the magazine will be your typical magazine size 11" x 8" and consist of between 150 and 180 pages an issue.

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