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Color Blue


Even Homeric poems did not mention the color blue Besides the sky was said to be white, black or red and furthermore the sea was believed to be green (it is a very new fact to believe that the sea is blue). Effectively the three primary colors in the ancient society were white, red and black (That could explain the late in!.
             terest for the other color like blue). Reflecting upon the place of color in our society, John Cage in "Colour and culture" gave the example of Berlin and Kay who observed how culture and cognition were " critical factors in the evolution of color categories salience". According to a survey of ninety-eight spoken languages or dialects, Berlin and Kay suggested a model for the universal development of color-vocabularies that disclosed a seven-stage evolution. The first stage consisted of black and white, during the second stage red would be adjoined, the third stage green or yellow would be added and vice versa for the fourth stage, the fifth was blue, the sixth was brown and the seventh stage was one of the other colors. As we can see Blue did not have the priority in the color arising.
             As Brusatin mentioned in "A history of colors", the Egyptian obtained the color blue with hard stone such as the sapphire, lapis lazuli and beryl. The fabrication of the color blue was achieved during the Antiquity thanks to two different plants: the Woad (Latin: Guastrum, Vitrum, Isatis, Waida) and the Indigo (small trees which leaves give the indigo color). Those plants were used to tinge clothes. The garments of the time reflected both the color's signification and importance in a society, during the Middle Age the color blue remained discreet. Yet, some villages had more blue clothes than some others due to the proximity of the Indigo trees. The arising of the second millennium witnessed the passage of Blue from a "background color" to a "first plan color".

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