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Church in New France


2 The first wave of settlers, immigrants and missionaries brought this religious influence to the Canadian colony. As the church was present mainly for the control of the King's subjects, anyone who did not fully immerse themselves in the ways of the church was not favored by the state and were therefore were unable to establish themselves in New France. The only ones allowed to do so were individuals who had made a visible contribution to colonial welfare, teaching, nursing or other charitable work.3 "Church buildings were a source of absorbing interest and pride to the habitants- (Neatby 232). The church was basically like a central theme in the lives of the people, it was a place which gave them guidance and shelter when they needed it. .
             The church in New France was at root, a "missionary church-. The Church was very active in the pursuit of the conversion of Amerindians. Church officials wished to establish a colony of Europeans to serve as a model Christian community. Because of the absence of any appropriate state institution, the Church not only assumed the functions ordinarily devoted to it in Catholic France but also those usually attributed to the state. Thus, the Church was involved in all of the socio-educational services at that time. It played a major role in the exploration of the continent and was involved in the government of the colony. In most respects, in the absence of a state, the Church became the state and was used to regulate the lives of individuals and provide social services.4 Various religious congregations managed and organized hospitals and schools in and around New France. Because of its control over the masses, the Church played a key role in colonization. The colonizer priest was an important figure wherever he resided. Villages and communities developed around his church and the priest set the pace of everyday life.5 .
             One of the main roles the church played in New France was its devotion to spreading education.

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