Aztecs), had primitive weapons, and couldn't stay on the battle.
field for long, because they ran out of supplies quickly (Age of.
Reconnaissance 167). The Spaniards didn't destroy the Aztec.
civilization all by their self another factor which helped the Spanish.
were the disease that they brought over to the Americas from.
Europe and Africa. The introduction of diseases like syphilis,.
measles, smallpox, malaria, mumps and yellow fever are just some.
sickness that plagued the Aztecs. Also the introduction of different species of animals and plants caused a ecological imbalance (Plagues and Peoples.
176-199). All these are some reasons to why the Aztec civilization.
was destroyed. .
With the arrival of the Spanish in Mexico rumors started to reach.
the ears of Spaniards about a great civilization to the south. This.
civilization was the Inca. The Inca civilization was inland so it made.
it harder on the Spanish to reach them. Unlike the Aztecs the Inca.
empire was held together by a tight social discipline based on.
commercial land holding and a system of forced labor. Discipline.
was enjoined by an elaborate cult of ruler-worship and enforced by.
a military organization which maintained fortresses and stores at.
strategic points (Age of Reconnaissance 170-171). The Incas.
government was more organized then the Aztecs. One of their.
strengths soon became a great weakness. The system that was set.
up to chose a emperor. The system tried to keep the purity of the.
royal families bloodline by incestuous marriage. The emperor.
would have to marry one of his full sisters and have a child who.
would then become the emperor upon his fathers death. It was also.
set up to prevent civil war in the kingdom (Inca Decline 134).
Huascar became emperor just as the Inca empire's problems.
became critical. The government need reforms, and Huascar.
believed that the royal mummies were the center of all the.
problems. Huascar decided that the royal mummies had to be.