Passions are uncontrolled feelings such as appetite, anger, fear, confidence, and hatred. With virtue you have to be praised or blamed and with your passions you can't be. We are born with faculties like we are with passions. Since passions and faculties are not defined, state of character is virtue. State of character is our actions and our habits. He also stated that, "The virtue of man also will be the state of character which makes a man good and which makes him do his own work well." In order to have true virtue you need to act to almost in accordance with a golden mean of moderation. In other words, it means that you need to find an intermediate so you will be praised and succeed. You can't take too much or too little. Too much for someone could be too little for someone else, therefore each person needs to find their own !.
individual mean.
"Happiness is the end or perfect state." As stated by Aristotle that our ultimate goal is happiness but in order to reach happiness you have to succeed. "Relaxation then is not an end. We enjoy it as a means to activity; but it seems that the happy life is a life of virtue, and such a life is serious, it is not one of mere amusement. We speak of serious things too as better than things which are ridiculous and amusing, and of the activity of the better part of man's being or of the better man as always the more virtuous." As an individual your goal is happiness and as a species their goal is to make the citizens happy. As happiness is the function or goal of the individual, it is also the function of the state this being a natural human organization whose goal is to maximize happiness for its citizens. The law comes natural to humans, which makes humans work in harmony. As human we have social instincts. As an individual you have your own state of character. When stating that "Some people think that men are made good by nature, others by habit, others again by teaching," Aristotle attempts to explain how everyone is an individual and has different short-term goals.