It is important to emphasize the differences between a just and unjust law because it calls attention to the fact that even today; we segregate our communities and our culture. For example, although no written laws apply, we as a society see women as inferior to men and everyday we act upon this belief and fall into our respective roles. Currently, a woman working the same job as a man makes 70 cents to his dollar. To me this social law is unjust. It degrades the human personality of women, saying in not so many words, the work you do isn't as good as his work, therefore you deserve less money for efforts. While this law isn't spelled out like the segregation laws of the 1960's were, it clearly falls under the same category as them because the personality of women is unable to be uplifted.
Another example of unjust laws that exist within our society today deal with minors under the age of 18. There are several laws, both written and assumed, that tells children how to behave in order to be accepted as citizens in our society. While everyone is told of how we should live and laws are in affect to protect us, minors have more laws that have to follow, thus making many of them unjust by King's definition and mine. Included in those laws is the fact that children must attend school until the age of 16. Also in this category ranks the law that states minors can't drive in Colorado until they are at least 16 years of age. A third law imposed on children states no one under the age of 18 is permitted to buy tobacco implies that no one under the age of 18 should be allowed to smoke cigarettes. .
While to many, these laws seem fair to protect children and give them the opportunity to grow into fine adults that are capable of making decisions for themselves, I believe that these laws, too, are unjust in our culture. These laws can be unjust by King's standard that says "a law is unjust if it is inflicted on a minority that, as a result of being denied the right to vote, had no part in enacting or devising the law.