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Freedom to Live


It is not the government's responsibility. Michael McFadden says that we must remember,.
             This is NOT just about smoking: it is about freedoms and the unjust singling out of a vulnerable minority for punishment, hatred, and taxation. If you accept such a situation as the norm for any group, then you lay the foundations for your own persecution in the future. If we accept this sort of censorship of history and reality, this sort of manipulation of our lives, our families, our freedoms, and our choices, this artificial division into two opposed and antagonistic groups what will we ultimately have left to us as supposedly free citizens? .
             McFadden suggests that taking away the simple freedom of enjoying a cigarette would have a domino effect; that it would only be the start of complete manipulation of our society as we know it. .
             People are constantly complaining about the hazards of breathing in unwanted second-hand smoke. Though there are few hazards to your health, the anti-smoking campaigns have put people in a frenzy with false statistics and misstated facts. The EPA states that there are three thousand deaths in the past year that were caused by exposure to second-hand smoke. This documented information is a piece of fiction. This very report by the EPA was overturned in court, because of false information (McFadden). Another instance of false statistics is the quote, "one in five Americans die every year from smoking." This would mean nearly fifty million people would have died from smoking alone. Since it is a proven fact is that there are around three million deaths of combined causes each year, that would be a ludicrous claim (McFadden). A report to Congress from the CDC's Office on Smoking and Health says that many diseases "known to be caused by or associated with smoking in adults." Martha Perske states in her essay that this is true, however does not "imply causality.

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