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Alexander the Great


He will then be entering Ahura Mazda's world, and when people choose good over evil voluntarily this will weaken Ahriman to the point where he can be destroyed. It is hard to reconcile the two opposing views on the dieties in the Zoroastrian religion. The claim is made that the religion is monotheistic; it is also alleged that two equal gods represent the opposing forces in the world, good and evil. Modern day Parsees resolve the contradiction by explaining that Ahura Mazda has always and will always stand above all. Anra Mainyu, or Ahriman, was only created due to an evil thought that once entered Ahura Mazda's head. The real opponent of Ahriman is Spenta Mainyu, the good spirit. The world is divided into three sections. The upper world is bathed in light, the earth is divided into seven sections, and the underworld is a dark place. The forces of good and evil will do battle for the twelve thousand years of the world's total existence. In the beginning, as Ahriman attempts to kill Ahura Mazda, he is stopped and pulled away. Both of the Gods agree to a period of peace that wills last 9,000 years. During the first three thousand years Ahura Mazda creates angels, good spirits, and Frava his. These Fravashis are the original heavenly images of men living in the upper world. During the next three thousand years the Fravashis come down to earth. There they lead a perfect sinless life. Anra Mainyu is angry because of the advantage he sees the Ahura Mazda has gained over him in preparation for the final battle. He tries to bring evil to the world, but he is rendered powerless by the sacred Ahunavairya formula that Ahura Mazda utters. In the next three thousand years Anra Mainyu invades the world. He kills the early man and animal and disperses demons throughout the world. However a human couple arises from the seed of the early man and a cow from the seed of early animal. These beings Are mixed and must choose between the good and evil that now inhabits the world.

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