Some of the medications taken by Seniors interfere with the absorption of vitamins and minerals. The body for its health requires a certain amount of vitamins and minerals. A program designed to maintain the heath of the older adult must take these various facts into consideration. The diet must be tailored to the individuals needs. But all Seniors should be encouraged to.
Eat as the Guide Food Pyramid states.
Limit fat intake, avoid high cholesterol foods.
Increase dietary fiber wherever possible.
Prepare foods that are moister, softer and in smaller portions to aid eating.
Limit salts and increase calcium intake.
Avoid sugar where ever possible.
Drink 8 glasses of water a day. .
By producing a health and wellness program that promotes these aspects the Seniors will experience good mental health, a better quality of life, more energy, and be able to recover faster from illnesses.
The health program must include regular physical activity as it helps the body to maintain and repair itself. "A primary benefit of regular physical activity is protection against coronary heart disease. In addition, physical activity appears to provide some protections against several other chronic diseases such as adult-onset diabetes, hypertension, certain cancers, osteoporosis, and depression." Most Seniors even those with disabilities or ailments can take part in a modest exercise program. Other benefits to exercise are:.
lower blood pressure.
strengthens heart and lungs .
helps with movement and flexibility.
helps to control weight.
improves appetite.
promotes good mental health.
improves digestion.
It is important to offer the Senior various forms of exercise as well as class types. They may want to exercise within a group, with a friend or alone. The program must also offer different levels/types of exercise - brisk walking, swimming, jogging to yoga and stretching.