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Only God, the ultimate creator has the right to choose who may life and who shall die. Humans do not have the right or the power to control the quality of life and to avoid suffering. With abortion, we humans give ourselves dominion over a large part of God's plans and our destiny.
             It is people like President Bill Clinton who makes women in this country think it is okay to get an abortion. One of President Bill Clinton's first acts in 1993 was to repeal the ban on federal funding for international groups that assist in abortions. One of President George W. Bush's first acts was to reinstate the ban.
             On the 20th anniversary of the case of Roe vs. Wade, President Clinton fulfills a promise of supporting abortion rights. It has been over 20 years since the United States Supreme Court handed down its landmark abortion rights ruling, and the controversy hasn't stopped since. With a stroke of a pen, President Clinton delivers on his campaign promise to cancel several anti abortion regulations. Dan Rather on CBS Evening News January 22 1993.
             As an opponent to abortion, I will readily agree as will all those who are against abortion, that pregnancy resulting from a rape or incest is a tragedy. Rape is a detestable crime, but no sane reasoning can place the slightest blame on the unborn child it might produce. Incest is, if that is possible, even worse, but for centuries, traditional Jewish law has clearly stated, that if a father sins against his daughter, that does not justify a second crime- the abortion of the product of that sin. The act of rape or incest is the major emotional physical trauma to the young girl or woman. Should we compound the psychic scar already inflicted on the mother by her having the guilt of destroying a living being which was at least half her own? Through history, pregnant women who for one crime or another were sentenced to death, were given a stay of execution until after the delivery of the child: it being the contention of the courts that one could not punish the innocent child for the crime of the mother.

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