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"Burning Chrome"


            Gibson's picture of the future, on the contrary, is far more complex and dynamic high tech future. While his story contains high tech and computer theory, it is more about the effects of technology on human beings and its society rather than the actual technology and computers itself. In the short story Burning Chrome, the character Chrome is a successful and reach women who owns a brothel and the hackers of the story Bobby and Jack breaks through the security system of a brothel owned by her, in order to transfer her money to their own accounts. Chrome is a dangerous person who has her power with the money and a wealth she has. Everyone in story have fear from her until she looses all her money and becomes a powerless person. .
             Most characters of the story "Burning Chrome" use each other as way to reach their goals. For example Girl named Rikki slept with one of the hacker guys (Booby) just to get the money to do her eyes for chubby city and on the other hand Bobby uses women like her in his life to motivate himself "Bobby had this thing for girls, like they were his private tarot or something, the way he"d get himself moving." P.1008. Chrome who is the most successful and powerful character is the story owns a brothel. Her character develops fear inside Bobby and Jack who wants to hack into her system and take her money, because they heard that she is a cold hearted person who kills anyone who will make trouble for her. As author explains "She cooked her own cancers for people who crossed her, rococo custom variations that took years to kill you." P.1007. Hackers knew that if Chrome finds out anything about their idea she will trace and kill them instantly. Money is the only s.
             The way Bobby and Jack have in mind to hack is with a Russian program which they bought in New York from a guy. Chrome's bank account and database are all protected with a program called ICE. ICE works like a firewall and protects all financial databases which belong to Chrome from any hacker.

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