In 1951 the Bantu Authorities Act (BAA) was passed to establish homelands for black South Africans. The homelands were lands selected by the government and assigned to the black people by origin (which often was inaccurate), black people had to move unwillingly away from their homes into the homelands and lost all their citizenship (and thereby all rights of involvement in the South African parliament) and had to show a passport to go into South Africa. Then black South Africans became aliens in their own country. In 1953 the Public Safety Act (PSA) and the Criminal Law Amendment Act (CLAA) were passed which allowed the government to declare a state of emergency and increase penalties for protesting or support the repeal of law. The penalties included; fines, imprisonments and whippings. In 1960 a large group of black people refused to carry their pass-books in Sharpville and the government declared a state of emergency allowing them to attack the non-violent protest. The state of emergency lasted for 159 days, 69 people were killed and 187 wounded. The PSA and CLAA laws were frequently used on non-violent protests including a non-violent protest among young school children in Soweto which led to police and army raiding them and they ended up killing 700 children and wounding 4000, at that time the government stated they thought the children were public enemy number one. During the states of emergencies that with held on and off until 1989, anyone could be arrested without a hearing, and detained up to six months, thousands of black South Africans died in custody after being tortured many of the individuals imprisoned were children and women, even pregnant women were not spared, many of them had their babies in prison or lost the unborn baby after the stress of torture and imprisonment. And the people who actually went to trial were sentenced to death, banished or sent to prison for life like Nelson Mandela who spent 30 years in prison for protesting and administrating protests and group meetings around the country.