Like many people, I've been reading a lot of pieces on what is to be done about the .
"evildoers'' who attacked New York and Washington. I would just like to bring a .
particular comment to your attention. In the National Review, syndicated columnist Ann .
Coulter wrote: "We should invade their countries; kill their leaders and convert them to .
Christianity. We aren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top .
officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is .
Coulter is not the only one who feels this way. By now, I think almost everyone would .
understand the American people's desire for retaliation and vengeance. However, many .
are also asking Americans and their government to act and react with reason.
There is, still, sympathy for America's desire for revenge, but many people will agree that .
more violence and loss of innocent lives are not going to do anything in the world's "war'' .
against terrorism.
United States President George W Bush has told the world that he wants justice, but .
many are frightened about what exactly he has in mind for "Operation Infinite Justice''.
He has also told the world: "I want him. I want justice. And there's an old poster out .
West, as I recall that said: 'Wanted: Dead or Alive'.'' Justice and "Wanted: Dead or Alive'' .
don't sound quite right together. And the poster of the old West he mentioned didn't .
belong in a time of a lot of "justice''. The Wild West conjures up images of life amid a lot .
of gunshots.
Is this what the world wants in return for Osama bin Laden's (if it is indeed he who is .
responsible) "evils''? Do we want more blood? Do we want to see more innocent people .
dead? Is this what we consider ``justice''? My answer to these questions is no, however .
much I want to see the responsible parties caught and punished.
China has reiterated its stance in support of fighting terrorism, but the leaders of the .