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Integrally linked to the capacity concept are the ideas of operational strategy and organizational objectives. Depending upon the size of the organization's capacity for growth, companies must form business strategies that determine the direction in which managers will lead business activities. For example, businesses characterized by larger capacities will likely chose the growth strategy as a means of expanding its operations. Business which adapt the growth strategy typically rely upon aggressive direct expansion, product development, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and expansion into global markets as a means of achieving the desired growth. For businesses where capacity is limited managers are likely to perceive their organization's future as being best assured through the pursuit of a stability strategy. Such organizations are likely to have found their own niche where little competition provide management no reason to question the status quo. Still other organization attempt to meets its organization objects though retrenchment or combination strategies. .
             As globalization and the movement towards consumer empowerment have change the face of business, not only has the business world grown more complex, it has also become increasingly volatile. Changes in consumer tastes and preferences, advancements in technology, and expanded global markets are just a few of many factors that have added to the unpredictability, instability, and increased heterogeneity in the business world. .
             As the balance of power shifts from manufacturers to consumers, now more than ever businesses are turning to new, more innovative methodologies based on creative business practices and innovative marketing strategies. As the business world grows increasingly completive, flexibility and the ability to quickly adjust with changes in market trends are have grown increasingly important. To achieve this responsiveness and competitiveness, management must seek new ways to create contexts that will enable managers to recognize and foster new untapped synergies.

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