The Ganglions then interpret this information from the Rods and Cones and transmit it to the brain via the optical nerve. Degradation of the eyes result from numerous retinal diseases the most notable being "Retinitis Pigmetosa and Age Related Macular Degeneration- , which occurs when function of the photoreceptor cell is lost, becoming insensitive to light, while the rest of the cell types in the retina remain relatively intact. Blindness may also be caused by the destruction of brain cells resulting from strokes or severe head trauma. .
Figure 1 The Human Eye.
Creating Artificial Vision:.
"Until now those who lost their vision to retinal disease would have little hope of regaining their sight, but technical breakthroughs could soon give back the gift of sight- , thankfully emerging technology have enabled several scientists "disprove this conventional wisdom about the brain's limited recuperative ability- . There are several technological innovations currently being enhanced by scientists in Europe, Asia and North America ranging from Visual Prosthesis to implantable chips which, as technology improves and becomes less expensive will undoubtedly make current aids for the visually impaired- Braille, the long cane and the seeing eye dog obsolete. One such technological innovation is the Dobelle Institute's Artificial Eye, which in recent tests has enabled the blind regain rudimentary sight. Based in Zurich Switzerland, and Commack New York the Dobelle Institute has developed a visual prosthesis that in recent tests have enabled blind patients perform activities as discerning visual images and even like driving a car! The basic principle of the "Electronic Eye- or "Visual prosthesis- in its most simplistic form is to connect a television camera to the visual cortex of the brain, and then transmit digital data to the brain for processing. The " first visual prosthesis providing useful "artificial vision- to a blind volunteer by connecting a digital video camera, computer and associated electronics to the visual cortex of his brain.