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Knowlege from the Internet


            It has been said, "not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In you opinion, which source is more important? Why?.
             In the purpose of making life interesting and complete people learn and practice many different things during their lives. They try to understand things surrounding them through books, and practice them in real life. Of course, books contain a lot of theoretical information, but in my opinion, experience gives people more knowledge and success in their lives.
             Both knowledge gained from books as well as from experience give people new information as a basis for creation of more advancements. However, each of this knowledge cannot be used without the other one. For example, people could build a skyscrapers using theoretical information from books or their experience in construction only, but in process of building they could figure out that this buildings have basic defects and cannot be used. That is way that to solve a problem and make project right and useful people need have some experience if they study only through books or, some books information if they use only their experience. But people should always clearly realize that both of those sources contain very specific and certain information.
             Throughout thousands of millenniums humankind gather a lot of important information not only about things around people, but also about technological progress of civilization. Owing to the information from books people do not repeat the same inventions as for example, how to create a bicycle, and keep making new advancements. Books help people save a lot of time learning many things about the past, the present and even the future by explaining things, processes, sciences, methods, and lead people to create new ideas. Nevertheless, books contain only theories, which were formed and created during a certain period in the past and the inventions are at an early stage of development.

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