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Motivational Strategies in the Workplace


This includes developing a environment that encourages employees to participate in organizational activities and share in workplace success.
             Most of the motivation for being successful or fulfilled has to come from within. What a company can do is provide an environment where the individual can grow and succeed. Provide the individual with the tools and opportunities, support them and nurture them while giving them room to grow and take risks but still keep the direction moving in the direction that the company has set. For example, at SurgiVet I want everyone to be successful and to have the belief that success breeds success. I truly believe in SurgiVet as the entity and everything I try to do is to further the success of the company and by all of us working toward the same goal everyone grows. There is no one person at our company that is more important than anyone else. It is all about SurgiVet as a total company. Some of the tools to become successful that I have tried to incorporate come in the form of training to develop the necessary skills to succeed in each person's job. I have also tried to make sure that everyone has the right tools to help them perform in their job like new computers and hands free phones. Making sure they have updated information, leading edge products to sell, research, and development to help them stand behind their products. .
             To be effective, motivational strategies must be incorporated into strategic goals and intertwined with the organizational business philosophy. This includes establishing processes to help managers develop lasting and meaningful motivational techniques. Training is important to ensure that managers have the skills to implement these techniques. To entrench motivational strategies in the organization, managers should be assessed on how well they develop and motivate staff. .
             An understanding and appreciation of human nature is a prerequisite to effective employee motivation in the workplace and therefore effective management and leadership.

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