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A New Iraq


When a society begins to suppress this ability, life for that society becomes increasingly disorganized. The fall of such an oppressive society can be linked to the lack of either of these two things previously mentioned. The inefficiency of the economic system is seen as a consequence of the violation of a human's right to privacy. .
             "It is not possible to understand the human person on the basis of economics alone, nor to define the person simply on the basis of class membership. A human being is understood in a more complete way when situated within the sphere of culture through language, history, and the position one takes towards the fundamental events of life, such as birth, love, work, and death.""( 24). .
             At the center of every culture lies the attitude which its people take toward God, an ultimate mystery. Without religion, there is no culture; without culture, their life is not how it once had been. So when the human is seen as an "element within the social organism- it is no longer a being and is seen as a mechanism of the state. Humans are there to serve the state. The main error in all of this lies in the apparent atheism. It is imperative that human beings are able to respond to the call of God in order to become aware of his or her transcendent dignity. When it is crushed by the state, humans fail to recognize transcendent dignity which then enables people to commit atrocities such as rape, murder, and genocide. The law then is seen as a maintenance to order, having control over the citizens, and making them dependent upon the state which in turn reduces their exercise of free will. .
             When a country, such as Iraq, emerges without any idea of how to set up a just and secure government or economy, it is necessary in implementing the steps in which to do so. .
             According to Centesimus Annus, the Church feels a responsibility to contribute in the changing of the mentality, behavior, and structure of a country.

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