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Huck Finn


            This book was such a pleasure to read, and very humorous and heart-.
             To start from the very beginning, it all starts out with finding out that .
             Huckelberry Finn's father is a very abusive (emotionally and physically) person .
             and lives to be drunk, and get drunk. A lady named Mrs. Watson sees this, and .
             adopts him away from his father and raised Huck according to what her .
             standards were. Huck realizes that he hates living with her, so he returns home .
             where he suffers the same abuse as before, but with a little bit more used to the .
             ways of his old life. Eventually, he can not take it anymore, and decides to run .
             Unfortunately, his dad always locks him up in his dirt-floored room, so .
             everyday he secretly cut a little more out of his wall with a saw until he could .
             escape. He didn't want to seem obvious to what he was doing, so he actually .
             "staged" his own death! He gets his room all bloody with pig's blood, makes .
             footprints outside, and several other intentional things he did to make it look like .
             robber had broken into his house and killed him! He was now living in the woods, .
             when he runs into Jim, Mrs. Watson's slave. Together, they embark on several .
             adventures including escaping from thieves on a wrecked boat, and getting .
             mingled in an old family feud.
             White - 2 .
             Huck and Jim travel to the free country by raft and enjoy the freedom, until .
             it is interrupted by two scam artists who say they are "kings" and are a real .
             annoyance to them, and Huck and Jim stop at several towns so they can pull off .
             their scams on people. They don't know this however, because the stunts they .
             pull are not harmless or anything dealing with that.
             Later on, Huck and Jim's lives become seriously endangered when they .
             realize who they are. While trying to escape, they are caught and the two .
             criminals sell Jim off to slavery for $40. Since Huck was so close to Jim now, he .
             couldn't just leave him there and forget about him just like that.

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