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Civil Rights: Are We Free


             The Struggle for 3quality for Americans of African descent continues descent the .
             Significant advantages made during the 1950s and 1960s. The question arises as to whether the struggle for Civil Rights has actually benefited the descendants of the many who sacrificed jobs, property reputations, and even their lives. Has the American Civil Rights movement become irrelevant?.
             Since this nations birth, blacks, with the exception to the native American Indians, have suffered disproportionately more than any other group. Nonetheless, the black struggle for civil rights is unparalleled. No group in America has or has had more difficulty assimilating into the American culture. When one considers life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for blacks, we must first begin with our nation history and the enslavement of African blacks.
             Black Americans are often filled with rage when conjuring up visions of slavery in America. Most white Americans, however, are apathetic concerning slavery. They did not own slaves, so why should they feel and guilt over something that happened one hundred, two hundred, or three hundred years ago? I will evaluate this question and many others as we examine the struggle for Americas largest minority group.
             When one thinks of the Civil Rights movement, we initially think of non-violent demonstrations only forty-years removed. From the boycott of the Montgomery bus system to the civil rights, however, did not begin with Rosa Parks or the effort to desegregate the public school system in Topeka, Kansas. The real struggle for civil rights began nearly four hundred years ago in the isles of the Caribbean's where blacks were bought and sold into slavery. Their rights live or are free taken away. The belief here in the united states, that "all men are born free and created equal", did not exist for black slaves the idea pertaining to minorities was ludicrous. Even after Lincoln issued the emancipation of proclamation, which freed slaves the idea of racial equality for blacks did not exist.

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