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Marie Antoinette


Marie Antoinette's husband, King Louis basically inherited a country headed downhill. Louis grandfather spent vast amounts of money one certain things, mainly, the palace of Versailles. Although France was in poor condition when Louis and Marie Antoinette came into power, the French still blamed their financial problems on Marie Antoinette. She personally hired a dressmaker and a beautician in order to give her a different style each day. Marie Antoinette also put large amounts of France's money towards her expensive escapades she encountered in while she was bored. As the French found out about Marie Antoinette's obsession with money, they began screaming, "L'autrichienne à balanterne!- This means, the Austrian woman to the street lamp. Frenchman hung their condemned from street lamps before the guillotine existed. During this time, everything that Marie Antoinette seemed to do would make the French despise her more and more. The French only cared about what they thought was .
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             true and since Marie Antoinette was spending money, they assumed the financial problems were because of her. This made it easy for the people of France to blame Marie Antoinette, which creates her to be a convenient scapegoat. Although Marie Antoinette was spending vast amounts of money, it was not entirely her fault. "Her husband encouraged Marie to have these elaborate escapades in order to keep her happy. He also liked the idea of her having a different style each day and he helped in hiring a beautician and dressmaker to do so- (Lever 2003). France already had financial problems before people even knew of Marie Antoinette. So, in fact, the financial status of France was not entirely Marie Antoinette's fault, but the French chose not to think of the truth and to blame her anyway. .
             There are many personality traits that are attributed to Marie Antoinette. She was and unpopular queen because she did things to make people believe she was spoiled and nave.

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