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Using Act 3 Sc 5 as a focus ex


Yet with all these grand parties we don't learn a lot about Lord Capulet himself, not even his age, although there are a few pointers if you read the play carefully. In Act 1 scene I, Lady Capulet teases him when he wants to join the brawl and calls for his sword she says "A crutch, a crutch, why ask for your sword" perhaps hinting at his age, Lord Capulet being too old to fight, though there is great honour in fighting.
             Lord Capulet has a role in continuing ancient grudge, he makes no attempt to finish it. In the long run this contributes to Romeo and Juliet's deaths. Lord Capulet only wants the best for Juliet, for her to marry Paris the noble young kinsman to the Prince. This shows that Capulet obviously loves Juliet dearly. But due to the little respect shown towards women in this society it is not easy to see the love between Capulet and his daughter. For example in Act 3 scene v Capulet threatens that he"ll disown her if she doesn't get married, "Or never after look me in the face" and "But now I see this one is one too much, And that we have a curse in having her", which contradicts the sense in Act 1 where Lord Capulet seems to give Juliet the choice of marriage, Lord Capulet says "Let two more summers wither their pride, Ere we may think her ripe to be a bride", this referring to wait another two years. Women often married not for love but out of obedience to their parents. Patriarchal society at the time the play is set is strong and clear, women are treated much more as possessions then as people.
             Lord Capulet lives for the day, never worrying about his ever increasing age. He knows he has to get the suitable partner for Juliet and tries very hard to do this using his skills of power, influence and powers of persuasion. When Lord Capulet is told by Tabalt that Romeo, a Montague, is at his party he is very relaxed, he doesn't want to cause a scene at his party, he doesn't want to disrupt his guests fun and happiness with a fight at his party.

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