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Compare and contrast the megal


With general undiagnostic designs such as spiral, lattice, parallel line, zigzag, small circular (dot) and radial arc are found, in endogenous designs such as meander, fortification, arc-spiral, filigree, arc (loop), spiral (multiple), small circular (arc) are found and in the last group, nonendogenous diagnostic designs such as square (rectangle/triangle) are found (Dronfield, 1995a, 544). When looking at the occurrence of general undiagnostic in Loughcrew and the Boyne Valley all the shapes appear to occur in significant numbers but the small circular is not found in areas of Loughcrew 1 and in Dowth (Dronfield, 1995a, 544). With nonendogenous diagnostic a difference was found between Loughcrew and the Boyne Valley, this type is only evident in one area of Loughcrew but it evident in Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth (Dronfield, 1995a, 545). The art found in the Boyne valley is said to be an "eclectic blend of overseas and Irish influences" (O"Sullivan, 1997, 19). International influences are evident in the designs found in the Boyne Valley. These influences were selective with the designs found in Knowth thought to Breton influences and those found in Newgrange of Iberian influence (O"Sullivan, 1997, 20). These foreign influences differ when looking at Loughcrew however as no evidence for foreign influence is witnessed there. Archaeologists studying tombs in Brittany, Portugal and Spain believe that tombs present there are similar in character to ones in the Boyne Valley and are the likely sources of inspiration for the art but no exact parallels have been found (O"Kelly, 1973, 67). The Breton tomb Gavrinis, Lamor-Baden has been compared with Newgrange (O"Kelly, 1973, 67). One thing that Loughcrew and the Boyne Valley have in common is the use of white quartz on the outside of the mounds; this feature is quite common in Irish passage - grave mounds (O"Kelly, 1973, 102). When looking at the art in the Boyne Valley it is believed to be generally more organized than Loughcrew, on many stones in the Boyne Valley the motifs are "arranged in an integrated pattern which is designed to suit the shape of the stone" (Shee - Twohig, 1973,171).

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