Remember back to the last time that you were running late for an important .
If your life is anything like mine you get stopped at .
every red light, grandpa in front of you is going twenty miles under the speed limit, and .
you come across a detour. How you handle these situations is the key. Are you one to .
be patient and have the laid back attitude that when you get there you get there; or are .
you the type of person to give the person the finger, yell and tailgate the person, and .
endanger lives? Road rage has become an obvious epidemic, but how serious is it really? .
From the crazy, catchy, headlines it is intriguing. Why do people have such rage, and .
what causes it are among the various questions I have often wondered. Are they really .
just crazies? We shall find out, but travel at you own risk! .
The definition of road rage is very widely noted. Since it is still a relatively new .
term a formal definition has not yet been established. Arnold Nerenberg, a clinical .
psychologist defines it as "A mental disorder and a social disease". Including drivers .
reacting with anger at another driver, the anger is expressed overtly and communicated .
to the other. Nerenberg has established a new diagnosis called "road rage disorder". .
More than fifty three percent of the population has this disorder, and keeps growing and .
growing. (Fumento, "Road Rage Furry"). One reason for the continual increase of road .
rage is that children who grow up with someone who demonstrates road rage have a .
predisposition to later developing the same behaviors. Nurenberg describes .
four major traffic situations that often trigger road rage: Feeling endangered, being .
detained by others who are going slow, watching others break the rules of the road, and .
feeling the need to retaliate (Goehing, Jan "Aggressive Driving"). These situations .
definitely sound accurate to me. Although I am a very cautious driver, these things set .