This class for me was quite interesting because I discovered different techniques to provide better knowledge to the students. One of the most important is Sheltered English which is a technique that is very simple and every teacher can incorporate in their classrooms. Techniques such as: Using visuals and real objects, using gestures and body language (foreign language) saying the same thing in different ways, making frequent comprehension checks, etc. Would not only be helpful to native Spanish speakers but also to students of all language backgrounds. This technique would even be helpful for those native English speakers who struggle with comprehension and are very low academically. Other very simple techniques are mentioned in a study by Jill Kerper Mora and Lily Wong Fillmore from San Diego State University. For example, making special efforts to use English in a way that makes it possible for the students to understand the content allowing students to interact with each other in large and small group activities, organize lessons around highly-structured, teacher direct activities, etc. .
Whether students are in a bilingual/ESL/Transitioning classroom or in a mainstream classroom, these techniques are effective for second language classrooms and also anybody could use it to help students reach successful learning. .
Studies have proven that the time needed to acquire conversational proficiency in English is two years. Also, for a second language learner to reach a 50% for standardized tests in reading and writing such as CSAP, Terra Nova, etc, the students need five years. A study by Wayne P. Thomas from the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition has proven that native language instruction is beneficial for students. A student who has received prior native language instruction will require four-seven years to achieve proficiency in the second language. On the other hand for a student who has not received any native instruction the time necessary for proficiency would be of seven-ten years or more! Thousands of studies have proven that providing ELL with native language instruction is beneficial for them.