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I just feel that they depend on us (special ed teacher, teacher-aid and I) too much that they would not do it for homework and wait until the last minute. .
             This week I have mostly worked with the forth graders. First the forth grade teacher had explain what conferencing means with positive and negative side of view. Then she explained the step for peer conferencing as far as read and listen, giving the compliment on the paper each student are doing. After reading the paper ask question or give suggestion about their paper to make it a better understanding and story. Once she explains it to the class, I went over to each students and listen on the compliment they were giving to each other and the suggestion to add more details or ideas. Then in few minutes, I had to go over to Sean, George, Andy, and Natasha because they have not finish their poem paper as it should have been done, but they struggle with it. For George it was piece of cake for him, but I had to make sure that he sticks to the topic that he had chosen to write poem. Andy tries really hard, and struggles with writing it even though he understands what he have to do. It is like he's thinking and knows what to put it on, but for some reason unable to write it on the paper. It is like we have to write on the paper when Andy verbally the poem. Natasha has problem with word choice, she always want to pick simple words, but her teacher wants her to improve with word choices. She also just wants to get it over with so she can start the next project as doing the conferencing. Sean, he was pain in the heck because he does not want to do it and would not corporate with me at all. He just does not want no one's help when he needs help and tries to hide his paper, which he hopes that none of the teacher sees his work on the poem.
             I have learned so much about the testing on the students for the special education teacher to prepare for the IEP meeting.

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