Step Two: The Music - Now, it's not that important that you actually listen to Punk Rock to be a punker. All you really need to do is say you do, and everyone will believe you if you followed step one correctly. But, if you do in fact enjoy listening to Punk Rock. you aren't allowed to burn CD's, or download music. That's as bad as wearing Nike shoes! And if you listen to CD's, you are only part punk. The only true punk rocker gets his Albums off of a website that is labeled punk rock and it has to be a Record. Also, your favorite band can't be an actual punk band. Then everyone will think you're trying to be punk too hard. There's nothing worse than a punk that is trying to be punk, so you have to cover that part up!.
Step Three: Don't be a "Poseur" - Nothing puts a chill down my spine like a "poseur". If you don't know what that word means, then you should know: It's somebody who does what they want and calls themselves Punk without reading the book first. it's a fake. it's the worst possible thing to ever become in the Punk Rock society. If you were a Prep or a Cheerleader once in your life, and four years later your destiny forces you to enjoy listening to punk rock. you will be labeled a poser and your immediate family whores. To avoid being a poser, you must be everything or nothing when it comes to punk rock. If you don't have a cross on your hand, then you aren't thinking with a straight mind. yet at the same time, if you don't smoke pot and drink beer then you're too much of a tight ass. Also, if you ever complain about life because your girlfriend just cut your penis off and then had long dirty sex with your four only friends all at the same time, then you will be labeled an Emo kid. Emo is the arch nemesis of Punk. If you ever mistake a band that plays the music of Punk Rock with Emo, you will be crucified in your own stupidity. If you don't have a cause of some sort, which you can find out what cause you want to be a part of by listening to somebody else voice their stolen opinions, then you need to find one very quickly.