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Election 2000


Al Gore opposes the voucher system. (Al Gore) The difference of George W. Bush and Al Gore viewpoints on education was made clear in both commercials and during the debates. The Quinnipiac polls reported that the public opinion on which candidate would do a better job on education was fifty- three percent favored Gore as opposed to the thirty-seven percent favoring Bush. (Quinnipiac) This trend of Gore favorability followed on many of the issues that the American public viewed the candidates as holding opposite or very different views, with the exception of taxes. In addition, the next elected president expects to select three individuals to serve as judges, for their lifetime, in the Supreme Court. The choosing of Supreme Court judges makes the differences of the issues extremely significant to the American public since the Supreme Court may reflect the viewpoint held by the elected president for the next thirty years. Yet, this was not addressed in the campaigns and many of the Americans were unaware of this. The differences and significance of the issues should have been the key focus of the Gore campaign since many Americans share his views on the major issues. Experience was another quality that was not focused on enough by the Gore campaign. Al Gore has spent the majority of his life involved with the American government and serving America. After graduating from Harvard University with a B.A. in government, Gore served in the US Army during the Vietnam War. Upon his return, he did various course works at Vanderbilt University Divinity School and Vanderbilt University Law School. For the next few years, Gore works as an Investigative Reporter and Editorial Writer at The Tennessean. In 1977, Gore holds his first public seat in the House of Representatives from Tennessee for eight years. Then he is elected from Tennessee to the Senate for the following eight years. Most recently, Gore has served as Vice President of the United States under the Clinton administration, for the past eight years when America has seen an extremely prosperous economy.

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