An old custom-called a "Sentencing circle", originated in traditional Native Canada and Native American peacemaking. Circles involve and are open to everyone in the community; these circles address the underlying causes of crime, ask for recommendations, and accept offenders` responsibilities. Members in the circle must all agree on the decided outcome. .
Minnesota uses circles in all communities both rural and urban. Citizen volunteers handle all details; in addition, they provide "keepers" as leaders of the discussion. Judges refer the cases. Committees make the finale decision on acceptance. The finale decision is passed on to the judge as sentencing recommendations. Some cases, all actors in the courtroom participate, and then the finale agreement becomes the final sentence. Minnesota has been the pioneer in Restorative Justice; in 1994 the state hired Kay Pranis as full-time Restorative Justice Planner, along with the creation of the " Restorative Justice Initiative" in 1992. The initiative offers training in restorative justice principals and practices, provides technical assistance to communities in designing and implementing practices, and creates networks of professionals and activists to share knowledge and provide support. (MN DOC. Exec. papers on corrections, Sept. 1999).
Restorative justice is expressed through a wide range of policies and practices directed toward offenders and crime victims, including victim support and advocacy, restitution, community service victim impact panels, victim-offender-meditation, circle sentencing, family group conferencing, community boards that meet with offenders to determine appropriate sanctions, victim empathy classes for offenders, and community policing.
Restorative justice programs and training of the public are now taking place in all fifty states, also including European countries, New Zealand, and South Africa. More than four of five Minnesotans have expressed an interest in participating in a face-to-face mediation session with the offender.