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the idea of marriage today


             money. She felt that a man must pay his debt to his wife; the sexual bonds in marriage are a contractual .
             obligation involving sustained boil. She married five times during all of her marriages she married in .
             terms of lust instead of true love. She confessed to a great desire to be loved no matter what, weather .
             she was married or unmarried. Not only did she have a desire to be loved she had a passion for .
             dominating her husbands. Her first three husbands where good, old and rich. In her fourth marriage he .
             irritated her by having a paramour but she evened scores with him. The wife was not at all in love of .
             none of her husbands until she fell in love with her fifth husband. This time the husband treated her the .
             way she should have been treated a long time ago. He talked bad about her calling her names and .
             disrespecting her. He told her stories about loose woman and how they got what they wanted in their .
             husbands. He beat, and pushed her around. Although he did this to her he was her favorite husband of .
             all. She felt that she had to gain back her mastery of her lover. He was running the show and the wife .
             did not like it at all. The difference between her husbands before was that it was easy for her to gain .
             dominance and mastery over them. The fifth one she had to win it back. The only way she was able to .
             win master over him was to kill him. So she kills hem and takes over. She gets back her house & .
             property in this action. She quotes "We came to an agreement between ourselves. He gave me the .
             bridle entirely in my hand by my still complete sovereignty, and when he said "My own true wife, do .
             as you please all the rest of you life, supervise your own honor and my estate as well After that day we .
             never had an argument. With in this quote she explained what she had to do in order to .
             have mastery over him. Through out her prologue the humor of it turns out to be largely at her own .
             expense, although she never realizes this.

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