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Future out are the seals on the ice, and they look like dirty ugly sheep. A couple of the older men jump pan to pan. Then they kill several seals. The young peter lunges toward a pan and falls in leaving only his upper body above water. The men run to save him. Finally they get him ashore. That night they cooked up a big meal of seal, and have a feed. They stay by the fire for hours celebrating the seals with songs and stories. They have meat, fur, fat, oil. They know that have survived the winter.
             Chapter 3.
             1) Mary Bundle reminds me of a savage. She doesn't speak but focuses on looking after her baby. She's only a young girl herself.
             2) Thomas feels like Caleb Grosse will not be pleased to discover that he's housed and fed a dozen strangers all winter. Thomas makes a vow that starting tomorrow he's going to have them build their own shelters, to get the family out of the stove before the fish strike.
             3) Alex Brennan is a very nice man. He has been sailing grosses vessels along their coast for 20 years. He fills them in on the news and tells them he'll give them some extras supplies because he see there's more people there than when he was there last. Alex asked Thomas to take a passenger (Mary Bundle) they have aboard, and Thomas is not happy about another mouth to feed.
             4) Mary Bundle is dropped off my Caleb Grosses Ship. Alex decides to leave her and the baby on the island instead of taking her any further.
             5) At the end of this chapter Hazel dies. They have her funeral service, and it ends up being another hard time on the cape.
             Chapter 4.
             1) Icebergs drift down from the Arctic ocean and glide along the coast of the cape. The bay often fills with fog, and it's freezing one day and raining the next. The community hangs on the edge of rocks and sand. In it their is the fish store, the wharf, the Vincent's house and faint web of pathways woven between.
             2) The women start a garden. Hour after hour the women pry rocks up out of the hard earth, and carry them to a loose stone wall, they are building between the garden and the cliff wall.

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